CO2-grensheffing als redding voor de Europese staalindustrie én het klimaat? Met CO2-grensheffing belooft de Europese Unie meer grip op de uitstoot van de staalindustrie te krijgen. Hoe zal dit bijdragen aan klimaatdoelen van 2050, en wat betekent het voor de staalproducenten binnen en buiten de EU? David Nagy • January 21, 2025
Can law schools make a difference in the climate change battle? Future lawyers are also facing climate change. As this global crisis escalates, the role of legal training will be crucial. It calls for preparing students with a curriculum that rises to the occasion. Rhea Mammen • September 19, 2024
The importance of international investment law in driving sustainable development How can tax incentives and penalties drive international investment to achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals? Finding the right balance using these fiscal tools could optimise their impact. Ahmed AlAmmar, Thunayan Al-Mulla, Elisaveta Bajenova and Carla Manuela Ávila Martinez • August 29, 2024
The long road to increased corporate responsibility Climate litigation is rich in insights on failing climate governance. What can we learn from lawsuits against car corporations trying to stop the distribution of fossil-fuelled cars? Bettina Schmiedler • July 10, 2023
Urgenda case affects private companies The judgment in the Shell case suggests that companies should comply with the targets in the Paris Climate Agreement. The case possibly sets a new, climate-friendly precedent in corporate law Ivana Mlikota • January 17, 2023
Lean, clean, and green? An appraisal of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s green approach to infrastructure projects. How environmentally sustainable is infrastructure development? Abhinand Siddharth, Martin Dabrowski, Siddharth Trakroo and Vinícius Souza • July 04, 2022
Strategic climate litigation and polarisation: Fanning or smothering the flames of societal conflicts? What, if any, should the role of courts be in reconciling the pressing need for climate action in an atmosphere of deep-running social tension? Christina Eckes • June 28, 2022
Climate change litigation in Indonesia Following the success of the Urgenda case in the Netherlands and other cases around the world, citizens from Jakarta also turned to climate change litigation in their fight for a cleaner environment. Elise Schermers • June 03, 2022
Avoiding doom and gloom Is there an equitable balance between the efforts of developed and developing countries in averting worst case scenario as highlighted in the 2021 IPCC report? Mukhtar Adesunkanmi • September 27, 2021